
Getting Started

The Developer's Portal is a single resource of information and tools that communicate our standard RESTful API technologies, and their instrumentations; enabling Beeline Clients and Partners to create program automation through API integrations.

Start here to learn about the Beeline VMS data structure and get access to APIs.

Learn How We Build

On the surface, API integrations seem simple enough—link together different computing systems and software applications to enable additional functionality and capabilities. But in reality, it can be a daunting task to learn all of the necessary data points in order to achieve program automation.

Beeline APIs have been designed specifically to enhance end user experiences within the VMS and create program automation all while being efficient to implement. Our goal is to help our customers and partners understand how Beeline fits within a company’s enterprise ecosystem. In this section, we will go over the Beeline VMS data structure to help familiarize you with the various data points and the business context in which they are used.

Foundational Data

Foundational data (or Client data) is the essential information about your organization's contingent workforce program that is used to configure and maintain the Beeline VMS. This data is typically housed within an HCM, HRIS and/or ERP system. This data can be linked together to create approval chains for purchasing. While we recognize this data is maintained within our client’s HCM, HRIS and ERP systems, it is also essential to represent this data within the VMS.

By leveraging our Client Onboarding API, this data is efficiently updated on a regular basis to ensure new requests and assignment changes follow the proper approval routing, correct cost allocation codes are used for billing/invoicing and reporting out of the VMS showcases the most accurate and up to date organization(al) hierarchy.

Supportive Data

Supportive data (or Worker data) is another important integration point related to the Beeline VMS identifier for "Worker". Workers are procured through the VMS. After they have been identified and before they can begin their assignments, they need to be properly onboarded. In order to achieve automation and reduce the manual effort it takes to onboard workers within our client’s organizations, Beeline created its Worker API that will automatically send the necessary data elements to the appropriate client system and begin the onboarding and provisioning process. As well, when a worker has completed their assignment on time or early, the Worker API can alert the necessary client system to begin the offboarding and deprovisioning process at the appropriate time.

Request Access


Beeline provides quick access to APIs in test environments. To start using our APIs, you will need to be registered and authorized to access your organization’s Beeline VMS information. Interested in testing an API? Enter your information using the form below and click Submit to get requested.

Request Access Form
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Success! Beeline will review your request and you will receive an email upon approval. Please note we may take a while to complete this step.
Please provide the name of your organization as it appears in the Beeline VMS
Wait for the confirmation email

Beeline will review your request and you will receive an email upon approval. Please note we may take a while to complete this step.

You will receive an email notifying you the credentials to access the APIs are ready for use. The email will also provide the URL of the Beeline client site environment that is assigned to your organization for testing purposes. Please be aware the test environment is based on a subset of the production, and APIs in test environments return a sample of the dataset.

Generate Access Token

Got your email? Great! Head to the Authentication section for instructions to retrieve your API credentials, then follow the step-by-step instructions to learn how to generate an access token to call the APIs.

Go To Authentication